Summer enrollment begins March 28th

Religious Studies is offering 3 new courses for Sumer 2018!  Check out:

  • L23  380 Anime and Animi - A Popular Cultural Approach To Shinto: Topics in Religious Studies
    Explore the enchanted universe of Shinto, Japan's indigenous religion, through the lens of anime.
    Dr. Tobias Zuern in Summer session I (5/21/18 - 6/8/18): MTuWThF 1:00p-4:00p

  • L23  3302 Religion And Health: From Holy Madness To Medicalized Meditation: Topics In Religion And Science
    Discover the various relationships between religion and health in this board, introductory course.
    Dr. Laura Vollmer in Summer session II (6/11/18-7/13/18): MTuWThF 11:00a-12:45p

  • L23  140 Hinduism In Performance
    Develop an enriched experiential knowledge of South Asian performance as a rich facet of Hindu religious life and enhance our own aesthetic appreciation and expressivity.
    Dr. James Pierce in Summer session IV (7/16/18-8/16/18): MTuWThF 9:00a-10:45a