The latest edition of the Religious Studies' newsletter is now available. View the Spring 2017 newsletter online.
A Preview From the Newsletter Section "A Word from the Director":
The study of religion has never been as critical as it is today. With religious intolerance on the rise here and around the world, our goal is to equip students to think critically and deeply about the traditions, practices, and tensions that have shaped the world in which we live. At the same time, the Program in Religious Studies seeks to champion the commitments to diversity, support, and inclusion that Washington University embodies.
Those values are increasingly important in a society divided by fear and, sometimes, by a lack of information about the great variety of religious traditions that make up our world and our local community. Through courses, film screenings, and guest lectures, we invite you to join us this semester as we offer a range of perspectives and voices. The program in Religious Studies is a gathering place as we wrestle with some of the most intransigent problems of contemporary life. We also hope to support our students from different faith backgrounds in the challenges that they may face in a divisive political climate. By better understanding both long term challenges and recent developments, we aim to foster discussion, debate, and dialogue. Join us!
Laurie Maffly-Kipp
Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor and Director