Europe's New Diversities


Since the late 1980's, three major upheavals have transformed European senses of identity. The demise of the Soviet Union has forced citizens of new "post-socialist' nations to forge new senses of belonging and new strategies of survival. The rise of a new public presence of Islam, and the growth of children of Muslim immigrants to adulthood, have challenged notions that Europe is a secular or post-Christian space. Finally, the heightened authority of European institutions has challenged the nation-state from above, and by granting new forms of sub-national autonomy to regions and peoples, from below. The new Europe is increasingly constituted by way of regional identifications and transnational movement(s), and by umbrella European legal and political organizations; these new realities occasion new rhetorics of secularism, nationalism, and ethnic loyalties. We examine these forms of diversity, movement, and debate by way of new works in anthropology, sociology and political science.
Course Attributes: EN S; AS LCD; AS SSC; FA SSC; AR SSC; BU IS

Section 01

Europe's New Diversities
View Course Listing - SP2023
View Course Listing - SP2024