Danforth Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof. David A. Hollinger

“Protestant Foreign Missions and Secularization in Modern America”

Professor David A. Hollinger, Preston Hotchkis Professor of American History at the University of California, Berkeley, is a renowned scholar of American intellectual history whose recent research has addressed the multiple interactions between liberal Protestantism and American cultural politics.

Schedule of events (all events from 4:30-6:30 pm):
Monday, November 18, 2013 - “The Protestant Boomerang: How the Foreign Missionary Experience Liberalized the Home Culture”
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - "Perspectives on the Boomerang: A Symposium in Honor of David A. Hollinger" featuring Jon Butler, Yale University; Darren Dochuk, Washington University in St. Louis, and Molly Worthen, University of North Carolina
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - “Liberalization, Secularization, and the Dynamics of Post-Protestant America”