Choose Year:
Dennis Trout, University of Missouri
The Biggs Family Residency in Classics: Dr. Francesco De Angelis
Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Colloquium--The Making of Victory: Triumphal Arches and Their Representation in Roman Art.
Francesco de Angelis, Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Visiting Hurst Professor: Tracy Fessenden - Talk
Washington University Department of English is proud to welcome Professor Tracy Fessenden as part of its Hurst Visiting Professors Series.
Seminar--Paying Attention: Images of Arches on Ancient Roman Coins.
Francesco de Angelis, Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Lecture--What Monuments for a Modern Century? Italian Colonial Arches in Africa
Francesco de Angelis, Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
2024 IPH Junior Comp Exam Lecture featuring Brian Copenhaver
Lawn Care, Magic and the Art of Poetry Today
2023-2024 Annual Weltin Lecture: “Theft, Forgery, and Scholarship: The Trafficking of Ancient Jewish and Christian Manuscripts”
Brent Nongbri, professor of History of Religions at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society in Oslo
Stern Family Lecture Series - Freedom of Speech: An Academic War Front
Professor Barak Medina is the Landecker-Ferencz chair in the study of Protection of Minorities and Vulnerable Groups at the faculty of law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Lee Epstein is the Ethan A.H. Shepley Distinguished University Professor at Washington University in St. Louis in the Department of Political Science. Moderated by Chancellor Andrew D. Martin of Washington University in St. Louis
Creating German Identity from Roman Antiquities: Hartmann Schedel’s Opus de Antiquitatibus Inclite Germanie (1505)
Justin P. Meyer,
John and Penelope Biggs Department of Classics, Washington University in St. Louis
The Palestine Taboo: Race, Islamophobia, and Free Speech
Sahar Aziz, Distinguished Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar, Rutgers University
Teaching Jewish Philosophy and Politics in the Aftermath of October 7 and the Campus Protests
Shira Billet, Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought and Ethics, Jewish Theological Seminary
Realistic Hope: American Democracy and the 2024 Election
A Danforth Dialogues event with John Dickerson, Jamelle Bouie, Adam Kinzinger, Joy Harjo, and Valeria Luiselli
“These Stones Will Shout” Annual Lecture in Biblical Archaeology and Historical Geography of the Holy Land
Dr. Jodi Magness, the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tolerance is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial
Saree Makdisi is the Chair of the Department of English at UCLA
Robert Morrell Memorial Lecture in Asian Religions: Care for the Dead in Japanese Buddhism: the Body, the Five Elements, and the Absolute
Hank Glassman, The Janet and Henry Richotte 1985 Professor of Asian Studies; Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Haverford College